Welcome to Driffield Junior School
Please take the opportunity to explore our website and see some of the exciting things the staff and children in school are working on currently.
If there are any questions or queries that you cannot find answers to on here then please do not hesitate to get in touch.
SCHOOL VISION Our school works on the key principles of Caring, Learning, Sharing - Success for All. We believe that, by abiding by these principles, we allow everyone in our school environment to feel happy and safe, and experience joy and success in their school life. We believe in developing our partnerships with parents, carers and governors to ensure our school delivers the best education it possibly can, to allow all of the children that come here the opportunity to learn and achieve as highly as possible and be successful in the next stage of their education, and in their life as an adult.
School Jotter App
Keep up to date with what is happening at Driffield Junior School by downloading our School Jotter App.
We use the app to let you know what is happening in school. News items, letters and notifications are all delivered through the app. It also gives easy access to our calendar, lunch menu and online payment system.
It's free. Simply go to the App Store or Google play. Search for School Jotter 2 and download. Then choose Driffield Junior School and enable notifications.
We urge all parents and anyone else in the community, who is interested in our school, to download the app.
Paper Copies
Should you require paper copies of any of the information on our website, please contact the school office.
Latest Upcoming Events
- Science week10Mar2025
- Scientist Theme Dress Up Day14Mar2025
- End of Term05Apr2025
End of Term
Please click on the titles to read the full news item and go to the News tab at the top of the page to see previous news items.