Bridlington Road, Driffield, East Yorkshire YO25 5HN

Tel: 01377 253371


Driffield Junior School

Caring, learning, sharing - Success for all


Discover where your learning journey for history at DJS will take you.

To read an overview of our History Curriculum please click the link below

History Curriculum Overview - one page profile

Year 3

From the Stone Age to the Iron Age…

.........What did they

Read our Knowledge Organisers for an overview of the units.  Click on the pictures below to read each one.




Ancient Egyptians: Tomb Raiders






Year 4

Roman Invasion of Britain:

Escape from Pompeii





The Anglo Saxons & Vikings: The Struggle







Year 5

World War One: Why Do We Remember












How Important were the Ancient Greeks?



Year 6

Ancient Maya








Victorian Driffield




Take a trip with our amazing Year 3s as they travel through the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages and share what they have learnt through their spring term history topic!



Visit our Egyptian tomb






Join our Year 5 Children at their Remembrance Assembly.











Try these websites to dig a little deeper:


Stone Age

Iron Age








Ancient Egyptians








Roman Invasion of Britain









The Anglo Saxons & The Vikings











World War One













How Important were the Ancient Greeks?






  Ancient Maya









Victorian Driffield