Bridlington Road, Driffield, East Yorkshire YO25 5HN

Tel: 01377 253371


Driffield Junior School

Caring, learning, sharing - Success for all


School Meals








Click Here for a downloadable version of the Autumn Term 2024 \Spring Term menu.

We pride ourselves in supplying our children with excellent food. We feel that it is one of the most important parts of a child's life - to eat properly.   

Eating a healthy diet enables a child to live life to the full and gives them a better performance all round, specifically helping with their concentration levels - which in turn affects achievement.   

So we encourage all of our children to have a school dinner. We have a high uptake of school dinners at our school. Its good to know that our children are getting a well balanced and healthy school meal.   

School meals are cooked on the premises to a very high standard.  All foods served are free from artificial colours, additives and nuts.  Menus conform with regulations relating to a balanced diet and allergens. All allergen information information is available on request.  Menus for hot meals are issued on a regular basis and are also displayed around the school for the children to see.  

School meals cost £2.60 per day.


Our preferred method of payment is via School Gateway where you can use your debit or credit card to make secure payments and instantly see your child's dinner money balance.

If you do want to send money or cheques please send payment in a sealed envelope labelled with the child’s name, amount and days staying.  Cheques should be made payable to Driffield Junior School.



If preferred, children may bring a packed lunch to school.  Drinks may be brought provided they are in a carton or well sealed container.  Glass bottles, vacuum flasks, canned drinks and fizzy drinks, chocolate bars and sweets are not allowed.   

Lunchtime Arrangements

All the children take their school meals at different times according to a rota.   Packed lunches are also eaten in the dining hall in accordance with the same rota.  Children can choose who they sit next to when they have their meal, whether it is a packed lunch or a school dinner. A Senior Supervisor and eight Supervisory Assistants look after the children during the lunchtime period.  We encourage good table manners in a pleasant environment. The lunchtime staff award certificates every week for those behaving particularly well and these children can choose a friend to join them on the ‘top table’. 


Nut Allergies

Some of our children have nut allergies that may lead to severe reactions even if they only touch something that has come into contact with nuts.  We would really appreciate your support and refrain from sending nuts or nut products to school with your child.  


Free School Meals

Did you know just registering your child for free school meals means that the school gets extra money to support your child?

If you are registered for Free School Meals you could get other benefits, such as free music tuition, access to our breakfast club and help towards the cost of school visits.

The Government is giving money to schools to help children from lower income families to do their very best.  This funding is called a "Pupil Premium". Registration will not affect any other benefits you are claiming. 

Even if your child does not want to have school dinners please register if you qualify, to make sure your child and others in their class don't miss out on the funding.

Ask for more details at the School Office or click here to go to the East Riding of Yorkshire Council website and apply online.