Here are some ideas of other activities to help your child with their weekly spellings.
For younger learners, using magnetic letters or Scrabble pieces to write their spellings may be more appealing and fun.
To increase the difficulty, children could complete their spellings as a 'Scrabble-type game' and use the letter pieces to join all
their spellings together.
Look, cover, say, write, check:
Some children prefer this traditional method - this is absolutely fine!
Children should firstly write their spellings (checking carefully that they have written them correctly) in a column.
They then need to cover the spelling and say it ensuring they enunciate all the letters correctly.
Next to the spelling, they then write the word from memory. Children should say the word again if they struggle to do this and listen to each of the sounds they can hear.
Finally, children uncover their word and check them making any corrections if needed.
There are lots of online programmes that allow you to create a wordsearch using specific words that you input. These are really easy to make and are a good way for children to spot their spellings by looking carefully for the letters.
Paired/group games:
Practising spellings can be made into paired or group games. Hangman is a fun way for children to learn their spellings and could be played as a family or in pairs.
The 'What letter is missing?' game is another way for children to practise spellings. It is a variation of Hangman where the child or adult writes the word but with one or some of the letters missing. The other person then has to write the correct letters in. Again, children should say the word to help them identify the missing sounds.
In the 'Add a Letter' game, you should say the word first. The person who has said the word then writes the first letters. The other person writes the second letter and then it is taken in turns to complete the word by adding a letter at a time.
Ordering spellings:
If your child remembers spellings by writing them repeatedly, this could be a good one to do! The aim is to write out the spellings in as many different ways as you or your child possibly can. Some ideas are longest to shortest word, in alphabetical order (or reverse) and from the easiest spelling to the trickiest spelling.
For younger learners or children who find spelling tricky, flashcards are really useful to help children remember their spellings. These are easy to make on pieces of paper or can be printed from a computer. Your child may find just reading the different flashcards useful or you could play the 'matching game'. For this, you will need 2 of each spelling flashcard. The flashcards are then turned upside down and muddled up. Players take it in turns to find a pair of spellings.