Bridlington Road, Driffield, East Yorkshire YO25 5HN

Tel: 01377 253371


Driffield Junior School

Caring, learning, sharing - Success for all

  1. News
  2. Fun new cycle and walking trail to be launched in Driffield

Fun new cycle and walking trail to be launched in Driffield

9 February 2024 (by Catherine Passmore (catherine.hakner))

A fun new cycling and walking trail is to launch in Driffield to encourage people to follow a route around the town and solve a puzzle at the same time.

The trail will be officially launched during the school half-term holiday on Thursday 15 February at a road safety stand at Driffield Market in the town centre. 

From 9am-3pm members of the council's road safety team will be at the stand to hand out maps of the Driffield Code Breaker Trail and encourage families to follow the route that day and fill in the maps. By finding the letters on the route, cracking the code, and returning completed maps to the stand, they could collect a prize. 

Click on the link to find out more from the East Riding Council Website