Bridlington Road, Driffield, East Yorkshire YO25 5HN

Tel: 01377 253371


Driffield Junior School

Caring, learning, sharing - Success for all

Driffield Junior School News

The latest news stories from Driffield Junior School.


News Stories

  • Farm to Fork
    We were delighted to welcome Tesco representatives to Breakfast Club this morning.
  • Stars of the Week
    Here are some of last week’s Stars of the Week.
  • World Book Day
    On World Book Day children designed T-shirts inspired by their favourite book and took part in lots of other activities.
  • Red Nose Day
    Get your red noses here!
  • World Book Day
    As you know, we are not dressing up this year for World Book Day but we are still going to have lots of fun. Children will need to bring their favourite book to school all that week (the first week back) as we will be doing activities based around it.
  • Valentine's Day breakfast
    Love is in the air at Breakfast Club today!
  • Bike Library
    Free loan bikes and helmets to take away and use. Lots of children will be able to ride their new bike home today.
  • New football goals
    Four of Mrs Laird’s year 5 football group used the written instructions and diagram to help them put together the new goals.
  • Safer Internet Day
    For Safer Internet Day, 6E have learnt about the risks of sharing photographs online.
  • Congratulations to the Dodgeball Team
    Driffield Junior School Dinosaurs emerged victorious, winning all 6 of their matches, at the cluster Dodgeball tournament.
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